Small Fry with Big Dreams: Interview with Jorja Boulter

I had the honor of interviewing Small Fry exhibitor, Jorja Boulter, about her journey to the 2024 All American Quarter Horse Congress. If you are not familiar with the Congress, is known as the largest single-breed horse show in the world. The annual event is held at the Ohio Expo Center and State Fairgrounds in Columbus, Ohio, and is hosted by the Ohio Quarter Horse Association. Jorja plans to attend the Congress this year under the guidance of McCarthy-Warda Performance Horses.

Q: How long have you been riding and what is your horse's name?

A: The first time I was on a horse I was 3 months old. I started showing leadline when I was 4 and I have been showing since. I started showing Quarter Horse shows in July of 2023. 

My horse's name is Diversion Investment, his barn name is Ryder. My Grandma, "Nonna", bought Ryder in October of 2021. The people who had Ryder before her were using him as a barrel horse for their daughter who was about my age. Nonna planned to use Ryder as a horse she could go on trail rides with. When I needed a show horse and we realized Ryder might be able to be a show horse for me, we started training him and my Mom and I started riding him. Then on my 8th birthday, Nonna officially gave him to me. 

Jessi, Jorja’s mom, says, "When Jorja was 3 years old she asked Santa for a purple pitchfork. It was then I knew that she had the horse blood in her and her Dad and I needed to take this seriously.”

Q: Have you been to the QH Congress before?

A: In 2022 My Mom and Nonna and I went to my first QH Congress to watch, I didn't even know what Congress was until then! Last year (2023) I went with Ryder and in Small Fry Equitation we earned 11th place! If you asked me to describe my dream horse show, QH Congress would match everything I described. The first time I saw the QH Congress Queens Contestants, I knew I wanted to be the QH Congress Queen someday.

Q: What are ways that you are saving money for Congress? Do you plan to go this year?

A: Since the day we came home from 2023 QH Congress I have been planning and saving to go to the 2024 QH Congress. To earn the money to go, I have been collecting pop cans from horse shows, friends and neighbors. Also, I have been making and selling keychains and pens at horse shows, and to teachers at my school. My Nonna has helped me do all of this.

Q: What are your goals as a young equestrian and entrepreneur?

A: As a young equestrian, my goal is to always put in my best effort and remember not every ride will go perfectly but if I have fun and have a strong connection with my horse, every ride is a good ride. My goals for showing are to continue to show at the breed show level and one day become the All-American Quarter Horse Congress Queen. 

My goal as an entrepreneur is to own my own horse training business. By selling these keychains and pens this year I have learned a lot about supply and demand and putting a value on your goods and services. 

Jessi mentioned that between the can/bottle returns and making and selling the keychains and pens, Jorja and her grandmother will have raised the money to pay for her Congress expenses this year. I asked Jorja to give a piece of advice to other small fry exhibitors, “My advice for other small fry exhibitors is to remember to work hard, try your best, breath, and always make a plan. But most of all, love your horse.” 


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